The Federal Communications Commission lost its battle with the big cable operators today, when a court ruled that the government agency doesn’t have the regulatory authority to require cable companies to treat all Internet traffic equally. This is one of those issues where the court’s decision can easily get lost over the question of whether Read more

The Associated Press today tried to define the movement known as the “tea party,” by canvassing many states to get a definition. They couldn’t. Why? Because, it seems clear, the tea party is whatever a particular member wants it to be: “That’s the beauty of it,” says George Burton, a Minnesota electrician and history buff Read more

MPR’s Dan Olson reports the Metropolitan Airports Commission tonight will begin installing new signs for people heading to the airport. That, presumably, will kick off another round of “people should know which terminal they’re supposed to go to” comments that have marked the discussion around the signs for the last year or so. Here’s a Read more