Would you take your dog to the symphony? After his dog — a 15-year-old poodle — died, composer Steve Mercurio wrote a four-movement classical symphony for orchestra, vocalist, and gospel choir. The 80 members of the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia will perform it in August, at an event called Woof Fest. Dogs are invited. It Read more

The NewsCut 4th of July tradition… The annual posting of the official News Cut July 4th observation: And here’s why there’s a 4th of July, and why we should be off all week. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them Read more

I’m not sure how I missed this and I apologize for posting for those of you who didn’t. But over in Michigan, Johnny and Jeff Agar have been running distance races for a while with dad Jeff pushing Johnny, who has cerebral palsy. Then this happened last weekend. Here’s a tissue.