Seventy-two years ago today, 12,000 Americans and 63,000 Filipinos soldiers were walking and dying on their forced march to a prison camp on the Bataan peninsula, one of the worst atrocities in modern war. Japanese guards shot or bayoneted any man who fell or stopped.

So yesterday, again, Walt Straka of Brainerd was thinking about the men who didn’t make it. One of them, Bryon Veillette of the Brainerd area, was his best friend, the Brainerd Dispatch said: Read more

The story about archivists at a university is, ostensibly, about handling the big collections that famous people leave, but it could just as easily be the stories of every family in coming years.

The hard drive full of photographs may serve as the digital pile of old pictures, it says. But who’s to say that 60 years from now, the hard drive will work? Or even exist? If they don’t, now what part of you is still around? Read more

A few years ago, a local knucklehead in high school invited porn stars to be his date at the senior prom. When one accepted, that forced school officials to crack down on whom students can invite to the prom.

And that’s why Jack Jablonski, the Benilde-St. Margaret hockey player who was paralyzed during a game, had to depend on common sense prevailing when he asked ESPN’s Michelle Beadle to be his date. Read more