Researchers at the University of Washington studied Seattle’s phased-in increases — first from $9.47 to $11 per hour in 2015 and to $13 per hour in 2016 — and found the second wage increased reduced work hours in low-wage jobs by 9 percent while wages increased only 3 percent.

They concluded that the reduction in hours cost the average employee $179 per month, while the wage increase added only $54. Read more

He had no family to attend the graduation and his friend Keyira Nunn, 17, a junior at the school, was shot and killed in a shooting late last Friday afternoon. She died at the scene.

So yesterday afternoon, a day after arresting a suspect in the killing, the two investigators for the the St. Paul Police Department attended the commencement, accompanied St. Paul Police Senior Cmdr. Tina McNamara, who heads the homicide unit. Read more