Last week, as I wrote in this space, the Pew Center revealed that the polarization of America is affecting where we physically reside. In our increasingly tribal ways, we’re segregating ourselves by our political philosophy. It’s no secret, of course, that if you live in Minneapolis, you’re more likely to be a Democrat than if Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for June 2014
We know how tempting it can be to believe your car can get through a little standing water so we’re giving a woman on I-90 near the South Dakota border the benefit of the doubt. Read more →
It’s hard to wrap our head around the destruction a tornado can cause. There’s not much left of Pilger, Nebraska, where the twin tornadoes struck yesterday. Read more →
Minneapolis is the 12th most “walkable” city in the nation, a report released today shows. It’s one of the few national surveys in which the city finishes behind Cleveland (10). Read more →
If there’s one thing many Baby Boomers have in common, it’s this: Trying to convince an elderly parent that it’s time to leave the home they’ve spent their life in, and move somewhere that’s not so dangerous for an elderly person.
For many, especially those who’ve already reluctantly given up the car keys at a son or daughter’s insistence, it’s the last piece of independence — and dignity, really.
Is it worth forcing the move, capping a lifetime with a few years of unhappiness. Or does a son/daughter just shrug and say, ‘whatever makes you happy at whatever the cost?’
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Things were hopping at the Dubh Linn Irish Brew Pub in Duluth yesterday when the U.S. beat Ghana in yesterday’s World Cup match. Check the picture. One woman. This video from Lonny Goldsmith at Brit’s Pub in downtown Minneapolis also suggests a testosterone-heavy clientele. More women seemed represented in Kansas City. But mostly guys. Chicago. Read more →
Last evening, the new Green Line recorded its first car-train accident since service officially opened over the weekend. That didn’t take long.
Both train and car were traveling toward Minneapolis on University at Hampden when the car — of course — made an illegal left turn into the path of the train. It was the fifth accident since Green Line testing started in February and in every case the car’s driver did something wrong.
Usually it involves ignoring traffic signs or traffic signals.
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Twin tornadoes are raking the farm fields of Nebraska. This is the live coverage being provided to the Weather Channel. Storm chasing is an obviously dangerous hobby, best left to the experts. Even so, it’s something I’ve always wanted to try, even though it has very little informational value. A decent Doppler radar and a Read more →
The U.S. has a lousy health care system, a new survey says. But don’t rush to blame it on the Affordable Care Act. We’ve had a lousy health care system for 10 years. The survey data for the year was taken before ACA went into effect, but experts say the ACA alone won’t make much Read more →
A few months ago, I tweeted that nothing can make you feel older than when your childhood baseball heroes die. I was wrong. Nothing can make you feel older than when your adult baseball heroes die. Tony Gwynn, the greatest hitter of his generation, died today. He was 54. When he was elected to the Read more →
Opponents of frac sand mining in Winona County have lost a legal challenge at the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
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It’s been a steady drumbeat of ‘not business friendly’ over the years as opponents of Minnesota’s tax structure have lamented the state isn’t more like South Dakota.
Now it’s South Dakota’s turn to lament the loss of a company to a neighboring state.
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Neighborhoods in the United States will look just like this today when the United States plays Ghana in the World Cup competition.
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What’s the whole Medtronic-Covidien deal all about? It depends on who you read. @medtronic purchase of Irish Covidien for 43 billion and move of exec. headquarters to Ireland sure to fuel debate on corporate tax rates — esme murphy – WCCO (@esmemurphy) June 16, 2014 Maybe not. You can’t do much better than hearing the Read more →
Kalevala, Minnesota? Never heard of it until Friday when I was driving the back road from Hibbing, had time to spare, no one to nag me, and a faded “historical marker” sign to follow.
The township in Carlton County only takes a few seconds to miss if you’re in a hurry to get to Moose Lake, especially with the road construction going on on Minnesota Highway 73. Read more →