You would think the most famous person in Vining would be Karen Nyberg, who had two missions aboard the International Space Station.
Nope. Read more →
You would think the most famous person in Vining would be Karen Nyberg, who had two missions aboard the International Space Station.
Nope. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
Nancy Barnes, the former editor and senior vice president at the Star Tribune, has laid out her vision for the future of NPR News, the network’s public editor reports. Last October, Barnes was tabbed to take the job once held by the disgraced Michael Oreskes, forced to resign as the result of a sexual harassment scandal in 2017.
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Of all the crashes and accidents in the Midwest during February’s blizzards, none was worse than the pileup on I-41 near Oshkosh, Wis., in late February. Read more →
Bill McReavy has lost $300,000 in each of the last three years and he’s trying to give Crystal Lake Cemetery to Minneapolis Read more →
The river gives and the river takes away. Sometimes it gives you free beer. Read more →
The predictions sound dire for downtown St. Paul as the water from around the state pours into the Minnesota River and other tributaries before it dumps its stash into the Mississippi and makes its way to the cities. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
A few weeks ago, the state was debating whether we’re too quick to keep our kids sheltered from the elements. You know, not like we were kids, what with our survival skills and all.
What about the kids of Clearwater County, west of Bemidji? Read more →
There’s a good reason why Minnesota lawmakers spend hours during floor debate arguing about the wording of laws they intend to pass. Words matter.
Take the state’s law on first-degree burglary, for example. Read more →
One reason the Legacy Amendment is important: You can’t make money anymore being local. There aren’t enough local businesses left to fund it.
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Can you be the State of Hockey and not have the top “hockey city” in the country, Minnesota? Sure. Read more →
An amateur league playoff game in western New York was canceled because of racism last weekend. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
Flugtag, the Red Bull-sponsored celebration that reveals how few people know how things fly, is making a comeback in the Twin Cities.
It’s more popular in Europe than the states, which is puzzling since it’s right in Minnesota’s wheelhouse: sitting on a boat and drinking.
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