There’ll be no Winter Frolic queen in Hibbing this year, dispatches from the land formerly known as winter tough, why schools will one day close when it gets to the 30s, was too much information released about the Target data break-in, and the science of poverty with Bill Nye. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Maybe we should call it the Minnesota diet. Researchers say cold weather can make you thinner, is reporting today. Read more →
Scientists confirm what we already suspect, can Dunkin’ run on Minnesota, the Indians stand behind their racist mascot, lessons from a bullied woman, and reflections on the lost cause of Iraq. Read more →
Keeping watch over one another, the cold reality of Minnesota, is there room for a driverless car in Minnesota, Friday Night Tykes, and church without the religion Read more →
The Mediaite media critic site is taking CNN to task for making a journalist bundle up and go outside, pretty much like everyone else in Minnesota who had to go to work today. It was all the way up to -15 by the time the CNN reporter began her “torture.” It’s mostly showbiz. Reporters have Read more →
Call it an “arctic hurricane” and the polar vortex sound scary. Read more →
If you’re one of the few remaining Minnesotans who actually likes winter, you’re going to have to grin and bear it for the next few days as weatherpeople struggle to describe an awful temperature in more awful terms. It’ll be sickeningly cold; everyone understands that. So why do weatherpeople work so hard to make it Read more →
If you’re not a big fan of snow, you probably don’t want to live downwind of Lake Superior. Sorry, Wisconsin. Read more →
It really is as cold in Minnesota as it is in the Arctic. The CBC gives us a glimpse today into the life of Cameron Bobinski, who started in 2006. Current temperature is about 20 below there — that’s 20 degrees colder than the current temp in International Falls. But that’s about the same Read more →
In Ontario and many areas in the northeast, a December ice storm has brought its share of misery but also stories of people who don’t wait to help their neighbors.
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Atlanta Braves executives are touring ballparks around the country, searching for ideas to incorporate into their new ballpark.
Today they hit the Twin Cities and got a Minnesota “howdy” from the Twins. Read more →
If The Daily Show can do it, perhaps there’s no reason why a Duluth TV station can’t fake the news by standing in front of a “green screen” and pretending to be somewhere they’re not. Read more →
Northern Minnesota used to be pretty much tornado-proof. Now? Not so much. Read more →
We welcome the coming riff-raff; our secret is out. The people who care enough not to disappear after covering a story. The next philanthropists? One common hope in Carlton and St. Louis counties, and what will the driverless car do to our cities? Read more →