Another evening round-up of news and bits that might have fallen through the cracks or that you might have missed during your busy 9-to-5 day:
As if technology couldn’t make us feel lazy enough at times, digital TV vendor TiVo will now allow subscribers to order Dominos Pizza right from their set-top box. OK, I admit, I’ve ordered pizza using the online Web sites once or twice, but for some reason this seems to go a bit too far. And, unless TiVo is willing to go the full nine and also answer the door for you and help you eat it, it seems the service is lacking.
The Guardian UK is reporting that Hillary Clinton is accepting the job of Secretary of State, even though most American media outlets say Clinton becoming the Secretary is far from a done deal. Many are questioning whether she can work with Obama and fear that President Bill Clinton’s current foreign relations could hinder her chances. Would Clinton be a good secretary of state, or would good ol’ William Jefferson get in the way of her being effective?
It’s been confirmed by the U.S. Treasury Department that China is now the largest holder of U.S. Treasuries, now at $585 billion, surpassing Japan’s holdings of $573 billion. I’m certainly no financial sage, but I know this has to be another one of those face-palm moments for world market analysts.
Our intrepid Minnesotan astronaut, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, accidentally lost her tool bag in space. She accidentally let go of the bag when wiping grease off of her space suit. I’m sure it will be fine, however more worrisome are the spiders on-board the space shuttle. This is a prime ingredient for vicious, mutated space spiders to come back and terrorize Earth. Oh wait, that already happened.
And of course, the Minnesota recount continues. The latest movement was the State Canvassing Board officially ordering the recount, something I think everyone assumed was already happening. The board only met for an hour and delayed the decision regarding the rejected absentee ballots Franken has been making a stir about. Tomorrow begins the arduous task of tired and dedicated elections officials sorting through the state’s three million ballots. Stay tuned to Minnesota Public Radio and for updates and totals throughout the day.